Volume 32 Issue 35 17 Nov 2023 4 Kislev 5784


Terry Aizen – Director of Kornmehl


In our discussions and learning about Chanukah, we are focusing on the chanukiah, light, miracles, counting and symbols such as dreidel, latkes and sufganiot.

As it is National Recycling Week, we have been using loose parts and recycled materials to create installations of Chanukiot. Families have been invited into the Pre-school to create and make beautiful Chanukiot with their children, using recycled materials. 

We provoked the children’s thinking by placing beautiful Chanukiot and dreidels on the table for the children to observe closely and draw. We have been learning and singing lots of Chanukah songs.





In the lead up to Chanukah, we asked the children if they knew what a miracle is:

Ella: It’s when something that you actually wish comes true. It happens.
Alma: It’s when you wish for something. It might come true or not.
Josh: It’s magic!
Ziggy: When you wish for something amazing to happen, and it comes true
Asher: When you do something, and it disappears
Lexi: It’s when something you really want to happen, comes true.
Oscar: It’s when you dream about something special.
Scarlett: When you feel something that can come true
Alma: Maybe miracles can happen if you really believe.

Transition to School

The Starfish and Dolphins have been discussing going to Year K next year. As part of the orientation process, we have informally been visiting the Year K classrooms this term. We take small groups of children up to Year K on most days. During the visit, the children stop and look at what they can see on their way up to the classrooms – canteen, blue ocean, playground, reception area, offices, where to hang their bags and where the toilets are. This way, the children become more familiar with the school grounds and surroundings. We aim for a smooth and effortless transition. 

We have been discussing and helping the children work through their feelings about going to big school. We discussed experiencing more than one feeling at a time when thinking about going to school. We might be feeling very excited and yet we could also feel sad or nervous or worried.

Ella: You can feel it because sometimes I feel it. Sometimes I feel six types of different feelings in one day!
Noam: One day you were one feeling, and the next day you were another feeling.
Teya: I am happy and excited
Raphi: I am happy and excited, I got my school uniform today, maroon pants and a white shirt.
Joseph: I’m happy to go to school next year and I will see some of my friends.
Dylan: I’m feeling excited to go to school and I am going to be in the green house.
Zach: I feel good because I’ll get to play piano and do maths and I’ll get to wear the uniform.
Allec: I’m excited because I’m going to learn to write and read books. I will learn maths and play the guitar.
Aimee: I feel good about playing the violin and viola when I go to school.
Drew: I’m feeling excited and a bit nervous because there are going to be new children and maybe I’m going to be in the green house or maybe a different colour.
Asher: I don’t know if I am going to Year K or going to be a Dolphin, I can only go to school if I follow the rules and sit nicely and listen.


The children from all three groups have begun preparing for our end of year concert. We are excited to perform for our mums and dads. We look forward to sharing this special time with all our Kornmehl families. What a lovely way to end a beautiful year together.

Wednesday 29 November at 9.00 am – 10.15 am: Starfish Concert and graduation
Thursday 30 November at 9.00 am – 10.15 am: Dolphin Concert and graduation
Friday 1 December at 9.00 am – 10.15 am: Seashell Concert

Each of the concerts will be followed by a morning tea on the Kornmehl deck. The morning will finish around 10.00 am.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to our special educators Justine Robertson, Terry Aizen and Avital Rein. We hope you all had a wonderful day.