Volume 27 Issue 23 10 Aug 2018 29 Av 5778

Kol Szenes

Szenes House Assembly

Last week was the first House Assembly led by our new House Madrichim – Erin Nabarro and Mia Port. The Madrichim highlighted the importance of students ensuring that their uniform looks the best, as it is an important part of our identity as a school. Szenesians – please put in a little more effort with your uniform to make Szenes stand out and be the most stylish House!

Szenesians on Year 9 Ski Camp

Year 9 took part in the annual Ski Camp last week, spending four days on the slopes. For many students this was their first time skiing or snowboarding. They accomplished some wonderful achievements whilst away, having learnt or further developed their abilities in these snow sports. They also gained a greater sense of independence and responsibility for themselves and their peers. Here are some comments from several Szenesians about their experience:

Chloe Miller:

“I had the most incredible time on Ski Camp. It was amazing being able to do something as enjoyable as skiing as well as spending time and connecting with friends and teachers. I really enjoyed ski lessons as I had a huge amount of fun with my group and my instructor. One of the main highlights was the free time we had to ski during the day where I could ski and have lunch with friends. I also really loved chilling at night around the fire, roasting marshmallows. Thank you so much to all the teachers who came with us and made it possible to experience such an unbelievable camp.”

Tara Linker:

“Ski Camp was without a doubt one of the best school experiences I have ever had and I’m sure anyone that has been can agree. We were so lucky to be able to ski or snowboard with our entire year for four days and no matter what skill level we were at, we all learnt a lot. I made so many great connections with different people across my year and have made countless memories that I definitely won’t forget. Despite the very early mornings (5.45 am!), we always had smiles on our faces and were ready to get on the bus to head to the slopes at Thredbo. From the moment we left school on Sunday morning to when we returned the following Friday, we were all excited to see what each day had in store and hoped that the snow conditions would be good (and they were!) Also, don’t forgot to try a donut at Thredbo if you’re there!”

Alexis Joffe:

“Year 9 Ski Camp was the highlight of the year so far and is definitely the best camp I have ever been on. There were so many funny moments, along with some hot, delicious doughnuts and a lot of bonding time with our friends. Two highlights from this trip, apart from skiing every day, would have been the last ski down the ‘easy does it’ slope with the entire year. It was very memorable as we could all enjoy our last ski of the trip together. The other highlight was when the whole year group stood around the bonfire singing songs and eating melted marshmallows. This was one of the highlights of the trip because it was a bonding experience that was delicious but also a lot of fun. Ski Camp 2018 was extremely enjoyable and a camp I will never forget.”


Best wishes to the Year 12 students who are now mid-way through their Trial HSC Examination period.

Quote of the week

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”

Napoleon Hill

Have a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom!