Volume 27 Issue 21 27 Jul 2018 15 Av 5778

Gifted and Talented – save the dates

Suzanne Plume | Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator 7-12 | Debating and Public Speaking 7-12

Colleen Elkins | Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator K-6

Four part parenting course: Parenting the Gifted Student

We all know that parenting cognitively gifted students is not easy.

Their intensity and their burning desire to constantly devour new learning combine to both exhilarate and to exhaust their families.

How would you like to feel more confident about the underlying research into Gifted Education?

Would you enjoy reflecting on the different perspectives on best parenting practices with other Emanuel parents who are in your situation?

We are absolutely thrilled to offer you the opportunity to experience a 4-part online pilot course for parents, based on the foundational theories of Gifted Education.



The University of New South Wales still offers the best training in Gifted Education available to teachers in NSW. We have used the content outlines from their original Certificate of Education units, written to train teachers in Gifted Education, and made it more relevant to today’s Emanuel parents. After completing this 4-part online course you will not only be better equipped to parent your gifted children but will also be the proud possessor of an Emanuel Certificate attesting to the fact. Units 2, 3 and 4 will require pre-reading and will provide opportunities to participate in online discussions and to receive feedback to online questions.

Thursday 2  August – unit 1

Who are the cognitively gifted and how are they different?

The 1st meeting will take place on Thursday 2 August. During this meeting we will assist you to access the course materials on Reshet using your own laptop. The plan is to work through this 1st unit together and to answer your questions.

After each of the 3 subsequent online units there will be a meeting to reflect upon the content and to have questions answered.

  • Tuesday 28 August – unit 2 – Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children
  • Monday 29 October – unit 3 – Resources for Parenting the Gifted
  • Thursday 22 November – unit 4 – Understanding and Remediating Underachievement in Gifted Children