Volume 27 Issue 13 18 May 2018 4 Sivan 5778

From the Head of Music

David Gwilliam

Student achievement

Nathaniel Spielman

Mazal Tov to Nathaniel Spielman  in Year 10 who was awarded an A for his AMEB 6th Grade Cello exam. He is taught by Ms Ezmi Pepper, one of our Music Tutors. Music Examinations of 6th Grade and above demand a huge amount of regular cello practise, and the thoughtful development of musical maturity and expressive insight.

Final call for Music Campers

We have a wonderful group of talented students from Years 4-12 registered to attend our annual Emanuel School Music Camp in July.  Our participants list is being finalised and a detailed information letter with a packing list will be sent out to attendees mid-term.  If you are unsure whether you have registered or not, please check that your name is on the lists on the noticeboard in the Music Department.   

For those parents who chose to pay by instalments, please note that an email was sent to you last week as a reminder that your 2nd (final) instalment of $248 is now payable.

Information about Music Camp, eligible ensembles and how to sign up has been much publicised.  Some parents have asked whether they are too late to sign up. We cannot accept bookings for much longer, so to avoid disappointment, please register as a matter of priority via the links below.  At this stage, new bookings would need to be paid in full please. The full cost of Music Camp 2018 is $496.

Below is a link that will take you directly to the TryBooking website where you can follow the prompts to register your child’s full name, their 2018 Year Group, and to pay by credit card.

To register and pay for Music Camp 2018, please paste the following link into your internet browser:  https://www.trybooking.com/UUDR 

To complete the online permission note, please paste the address below into your browser: https://tinyurl.com/ybm3jzzs 

If you have any questions regarding Emanuel Music Camp 2018 please contact Joanne De Araujo, at jdearaujo@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au