Volume 29 Issue 6 06 Mar 2020 10 Adar 5780

From the Head of Jewish Life

Rabbi Daniel Siegel

Rabbi Daniel Siegel – Head of Jewish Life

Ner Tamid

In this week’s Parashah, Tetsaveh, we encounter the basis for the “Ner Tamid”,the “eternal flame”, appearing before the Ark, that graces every synagogue.

“Bring …clear oil of beaten olives…for kindling the ner tamid”.

Today, this constant “light”, representative of the Temple Menorah is no longer fuelled by oil, candles or, in many cases, even electricity, but by solar energy.  What once required continuous human endeavour now runs on “auto-pilot”.

Remarkably, it appears that the Ner Tamid of our parashah was not to be understood as a perpetual flame but as a flame to be perpetuated. The light of the lampstand is not continuously generated for us but by us.

Our Jewish tradition sees teachers as kindling the spark that impassions and empowers our students to be lifelong learners perpetuating a continuously enlightening and transformative Judaism.

The flame, however, can only be ever-present for our children and students if it is for us, the parents and teachers: “And, you shall command the children of Israel that they bring… clear oil of beaten olives..for kindling the ner tamid…so that it be everlasting throughout your generations”.