Volume 32 Issue 2 10 Feb 2023 19 Shevat 5783

From the Deputy Principal

Margaret Lowe – Deputy Principal

Being a parent can be both the greatest joy in the world and the most difficult role a person can take on. There is so much advice around parenting that it can be hard to decide which advice to take. This article provides some ‘simple’ advice but, like most effective parenting strategies, it takes time to work through the processes and lessons with your child. This could be time well spent!

If you are pressured for time right now, perhaps come back to the full text later. In short, the article asks parents to:

  • Limit screen time
  • Teach their children to be ‘indistractable’
  • Teach their children autonomy
  • Teach their children media literacy

If you have further interest in the topic, perhaps read the book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life” (published by BenBella Books) by the author, Nir Eyal.