Volume 29 Issue 13 15 May 2020 21 Iyyar 5780

CheerChangers campaign

Daphna Levin-Kahn – Head of Jewish Life High School

CheerChangers: How can I change your (frame of) mind?

All our weekly Year 9 Be The Change excursions have been cancelled, we are all stuck at home, so how do we get hands-on experience of making the (local) world a better place from our own screens?

Here are the results of Breakout Brainstorming and CheerChange making that have been put into play by the students zooming around in our online Be The Change class:

For Be the Change we have thought of activities to brighten people’s day during online learning. We are hosting a Zoom call where we are making chocolate mud cake with our year. We will be hosting this Zoom call to reconnect with our Year as we haven’t been in contact with everyone in so long! From this Zoom call we hope to bring the Year together and closer as we all try to make the chocolate mud cake. We found a very simple recipe and we hope that everyone enjoys baking and eating together.
By Lotus Van Der Starre, Scott Reuveny, Zac Urbach and Zoe Nebenzahl

During this tough time, we have decided to create a fun activity that will bring happiness, laughter and joy to people’s day. Through the process of making this activity we have learned new things and have created this awesome activity with all our ideas. Our plan is to have a ‘Guess the Celebrity Zoom’ where students are given a random celebrity and have to dress up as that person. During the Zoom call everyone will have to guess what celebrity people are dressed up as. We hope that many people sign up and enjoy the event.
By Ethan Zines, Mariah Lewy, Clio Stockley and Jake Sharp

We believe that in this very uncertain time it is important to stay fit and healthy. As many of you know it is hard for the elderly to stay fit and healthy, since they have to stay home and are unable to see their loved ones. We have decided to create a website that showcases yoga dedicated to the elderly. We have showcased a variety of different types of yoga, starting at beginners and then progressing to a higher level. Our group has decided to do this so that the elderly can be active and have something to look forward too. We hope that by doing this it will benefit a large amount of people. Here is the link to the website that has been created called Get Your Yoga On In Quarantine in case you’d like to give it a go!
By Alexis Demos, Ruby Grynberg, Sara Hakim and Lucy Menczel

Our group decided to make a video compilation with many funny and heartwarming moments to watch. We decided to make this compilation because we wanted to cheer up people during this current pandemic as many people are going through really hard times, so we wanted to see them laugh and smile. We hope that everyone is getting through this crazy time and gets a smile whilst watching our funny video compilation here.
By Jamie Schneider, Ella Engler, Mischa Spielman and Isaac Gorelik

We have had an opportunity to find a way to make our lockdown situation more enjoyable. We decided to create a baking activity to be carried out during the Monday Tutor period for Year 9 Tutor Groups. We were really excited about this idea, as it is a great way for students to connect while they are having fun and enjoying food! We are excited about this activity because this allows us to make a positive change in someone’s day, while it also brings us happiness to see our friends.
By Ruby Miller, Ava Rose, Jade Hirst and Sol Biton