Volume 28 Issue 2 07 Feb 2019 2 Adar I 5779


Welcome back to all the students after a nice long break, I am looking forward to having some interesting career conversations with everyone this year.

Claire Pech

Careers Advisor

As we launch our career classes for 2019, I have shared some important documents that you will need to get you going. Here are links that can help at any stage:

  1. Year 12 guest speaker schedule: docs.google.com/document/d/1ijcmfZt_mbEOOiD8vlsQHDgnlnk5pmzht2CkOJnlqNM/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Terminology PowerPoint: docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PV5TU1DfnOIpffTLaguLjY6H3G4ir3Zexho995cTjB0/edit?usp=sharing
  3. www.jobjump.com.au (any Year Group) please make sure you have registered with this site to get all of your interest-specific career and University information sent directly to you

This year we see a range of interests and diversity within our Year 12 cohort, and it is interesting to note where the Year 12 group are up to, in terms of their career-readiness.

I encourage anyone in Year 12 who feels they are unsure about what to do next to book in a time to see me. Now is also a great time to remind students in particular for Year 12, that not many people at the age of 18 have all of the answers. The statistic for students changing courses after 1st year at university is now 25%, as the course was not what they expected. It is great to have a few ideas, and be open to the idea of being flexible with some of your plans.

Parents are more than welcome also. Feel free to contact me at cpech@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au.

Career notices, events, dates, articles

UCAT Training Session with the NIE is on 22 March at 6.30 pm, Hornsby. If you are in Years 10 to 12 and interested in Medicine or Dentistry this session could interest you about the compulsory exam UCAT. This is run by the NIE, which is a private training house for access into medicine.

www.nie.edu.au  and www.nie.edu.au/ucat-courses/simulated-ucat-day-workshop

Your Path to Medical School – Sydney Eastern Suburbs

Take the next step to a career as a Doctor and attend a MedView session in Bondi Junction on Sunday 3 March 2019.
Book here

A Day in the Life of a Surgeon

9 March, UTS Sydney

MedView’s “A Day in the Life of a Surgeon” will cut through the fat and give you a gross-anatomical view of what it’s like to be a surgeon, and how to excise the relevant information to become one. Understand the complex pathway on training to be a doctor, and ultimately a surgeon (including UCAT, Medical School and specialty training)



Five tips to help year 12 students set better goals in the final year of school

© MHS Careers, February, 2019