Volume 29 Issue 3 14 Feb 2020 19 Shevat 5780



Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

This week I read about the next top 15 emerging jobs for 2020 from a LinkedIn Report. I always like to see what is coming up next, and what to look out for as this may interest our readers. The report has more detail about each area.



  1.  Artificial Intelligence Specialist (AI)
  2.  Cyber Security
  3.  Marketing Automation Specialist
  4.  Robotics Engineer
  5.  Site Reliability Engineer
  6.  Customer Success Specialist
  7.  Data Scientist
  8.  Data Engineer
  9.  Growth Manager
  10.  Chief Strategy Officer
  11.  Anti Money Laundering Specialist
  12.  Product Owner
  13. Service Designer
  14. Full Stack Engineer
  15. Automation Consultant

Here is a great article about what to choose and what to study next: https://theconversation.com/what-subjects-do-i-choose-for-my-last-years-of-school-126194

Work, Study, Grow Subscription 

Years 10 – 12, please set up an account  as soon as possible.

To create your membership:

Step 1 – Go to https://studyworkgrow.com.au/school/emanuel-school
Step 2 – When asked, enter your school code – EMS0219

This will help you navigate the never-ending lists of jobs, quizzes and choices that are out there.

Year 11 Information Evening

As promised at the Year 11 Information Evening this week, here are the slides with the relevant careers – please refer to pages 51 – 59:
