A message from Emanuel School to brighten your day

Andrew Watt, Principal

To our wonderful Emanuel School Grandparents

Grandparents are so central to family life and with Pesach upon us, I thought I would send you the gift of Emanuel spirit. Your grandchildren have been working online, being resourceful and innovative. One of the many activities they have enjoyed is acting in, directing and producing Pesach plays. Please click here to enjoy one of many, presented by Matilda in Year 2.

Our school ‘friendship-raising’ committee, Gesher (Bridge), arranges outings and events for our grandparents. You may have been looking forward to our planned visit to the SH Ervin Gallery for a private tour of the exhibition, Salon des Refuses (the alternative Archibald and Wynne Prize selection). Whilst we’ve had to put that event on hold, we thought you may enjoy a virtual tour of other museums, music halls, gardens and more.

For lovers of Art and Culture, enjoy a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Opera in New York, the Art Gallery of NSW and 12 world class museums. Learn a new language, watch every one of  Shakespeare’s plays, in order of writing, or listen to Sir Patrick Stuart read a sonnet a day.

Sports fanatics can virtually visit The Melbourne Cricket Ground, while lovers of nature can safely view the animals at Taronga Zoo or dive into the Great Barrier Reef with Sir David Attenborough. And if you’re on Facebook, join the Emanuel School Community page which is full of positive messages and Emanuel spirit.

I hope that once you’ve enjoyed all that the online world has to offer, this new reality will have ended and we can welcome you back on campus for Grandparents Day.

Stay safe, stay connected and Chag Pesach Sameach

Andrew Watt, Principal

A thank you card from a Year 3 student to her teachers