Volume 30 Issue 32 29 Oct 2021 23 Heshvan 5782

You have mail

Sharon Philippsohn – Capital Appeal Director (Operations & Donor Relations)

Do you remember when you were young how exciting it was to receive mail in the letterbox? I do. It felt like such an achievement when I was tall enough to be able to get the mail out of the letterbox by myself. And if there was actually a letter addressed to me, that was the best thing ever.

Growing up the mail got a little less exciting. There was still the odd birthday card and invitation to special events, but more and more the mail was bills, letters from politicians and real estate agents and pizza discount vouchers.

These days checking the letterbox seems to be more of a chore than anything enjoyable. Until last week. At our weekly department Zoom meeting Maria (one of the lovely ladies you speak to when you call the School) held a bunch of envelopes up to her camera and all of a sudden I was that little kid again, filled with excitement to receive mail. The envelopes were our Emanuel community’s pledge cards from last week’s B’yachad Capital Appeal event. I don’t think the Admin department have ever seen anyone filled with so much gratitude at receiving mail. Nor had they had the opportunity before now to witness our community’s commitment to the Appeal.

My joy was for many reasons. I was glad that Australia Post was delivering mail promptly (can’t take this for granted these days). I was happy that people were returning their pledge cards. Mostly I was overjoyed that people who participated in Emanuel B’yachad were supporting the bright future of our students, our School and our community.

If you haven’t yet returned your pledge card from Emanuel B’yachad, or you missed the event and have only received your pledge card in the mail this week, please take a moment now to fill it in and post it this weekend. Or you can donate online.

If you manage to find rainbow themed postboxes like these ones I bet you’ll feel as excited posting your letter as when you were a child.