Volume 30 Issue 15 28 May 2021 17 Sivan 5781

The Freedom Hub

Kian Hamburger, Year 9

Creating a World of Freedom by Ending Modern Slavery

As part of our learning about עבדות, אחריות וחירות/Avdut, Achrayut, VeCheirut – Slavery, Responsibility, and Freedom, students from our class visited the Freedom Hub in Waterloo, whose motto is “Creating a World of Freedom by Ending Modern Slavery”. Below are the reflections of Kian Hamburger about our class visit and the work of the “Hub” – Rabbi Daniel Siegel

The Freedom Hub is a brilliant organisation that works to end a perhaps surprising issue within Australia – slavery.

The organisation raises money for their works intelligently, such as by having a cafe. This money is utilised well to assist “survivors”, a term that the Freedom Hub uses to describe those who have suffered from slavery in Australia.

The Hub’s ‘Survivor School,’ aids in freeing victims of slavery and enabling them to be integrated into the community again and contribute to it. For “survivors” to be integrated into the community again is justly considered by many to be insurmountable at first due to the horrible impacts slavery can cause. However, the Freedom Hub’s diligence and time to assist these “survivors”, help them every step on their journey to freedom.

Some of the aspects the organisation provides includes mentors, safety, skills and mental health workshops, and required necessities/knowledge. These offerings have no time limit in the sense that “survivors” can acquire such aid forever.

The Freedom Hub indicated that there are several modern slaveries in Australia, including forced marriage, forced labour, forced child labour, domestic servitude, trafficking, sex trafficking, and debt bondage. What the Freedom Hub does and the ideas learnt in our Freedom and Responsibility Class have a direct correlation. As we have learned, “במקום שאין אנשים השתדל להיות איש” (BeMakon SheEin Anashim Hishtadel LiHeyot Ish – In a place in which there are no upstanders, be the upstander). 

In Australia, which includes few true upstanders for those who experience slavery, the Freedom Hub exemplifies such a saying. The establishment also reflects another concept we learnt in class, פה שח (Peh Sach – The Mouth that Speaks). The Freedom Hub is always speaking up against the slavery occurring today in our country and uses its voice to support those who cannot. 

Even if we do not visit the Freedom Hub, we are still able to be an איש (Ish – Upstander) and exercise אחריות (Achrayut – Responsibility) by supporting and promoting the excellent work they do. Social media is a great way to do this, including platforms like Instagram and Facebook. We can follow the Freedom Hub on such platforms, post and share their works and information on what the organisation aims to end. In addition, we can donate to the Freedom Hub and participate in various events they host to assist their works.

We all have a responsibility to speak up against the injustice of slavery. One way we can do so is by supporting the efforts and programs of the Freedom Hub and, ultimately, the confused, fatigued, and fragile minds, spirits and beings of the many survivors of slavery today.