Volume 26 Issue 10 07 Apr 2017 11 Nisan 5777

Year 7 Synagogue Day

The Great, Emanuel and Coogee Synagogues

Last Tuesday 28 March, Year 7 visited The Great, Emanuel and Coogee Synagogues as well as Chabad Double Bay. By visiting these synagogues, students explored the shared values, similarities and differences between the various streams within Judaism represented by these synagogues and their clergy. We hope that this will help nurture a culture of respect and understanding amongst our students as they begin the Bar/Bat Mitzvah years and their own Jewish journey.

Here are some of our students’ reflections and messages of appreciation to the Rabbis we met.

The great synagogue

When we entered the synagogue the first impression we got was a warm and cozy feel. It had a vintage grandeur that made me feel comfortable and amazed at the same time. It was interesting learning about the history of the synagogue and its relation to the architecture. We loved learning about how this orthodox synagogue had so much history but was also rising to modern times. It was definitely an experience to remember.

Thank you, Rabbi Elton.

Mirabelle Mirvis and Anna Davis

Chabad double bay

Dear Rabbi Berger

On behalf of Emanuel School year 7, we would like to give you a massive thank you. Your amazing words touched us, and the uniqueness of your stories really explained what you were trying to tell us, in a way that was entertaining and enjoyable for everyone. The importance of your words also impacted on our future, and how we are going to cherish it, as well as to maximise it. You are truly inspiring to all you lecture to, and the moral of all of these lectures give an extremely significant life lesson to children even at the age of 12. Personally, you have made me realise how grateful and happy I should be, and the way that I shall take on life’s challenges and difficulties. I hope to hear more from you soon.

Hunter Weinberg

Emanuel Synagogue

Dear Rabbi Ninio

I really appreciate the talk yesterday. I loved all of the facts and different opinions! I learnt so much and I thank you for the experience.

Wishing you a wonderful pesach!

Jasmine Barea ??

I liked going to all the Orthodox shuls and then going to a Progressive shul to see the difference between them even though they are both counted as Jewish Synagogues. I liked the Emanuel shul better because boys and girls are equal and that’s what I believe in. I learnt that the bimah normally is in the middle of the shul but it is now in the front. I also learned that most of the synagogues have stained glass windows with no animal or human images on them. Overall I thought the Synagogue Day was a excellent experience for all the Year 7s.

Tori Shapiro

COOGEE Synagogue

Dear Rabbi Gestetner

I hope you are doing well! I just wanted to mention how great your shul is and how amazingly you are running that shul. My grandpa was the founder of that shule (Mikki Schwartz) and he would always go to that shul every Friday and always sit in the spot closest to the wall and Bimah. As well as that, you also married my parents (Karen and Ron Bowen). Anyway, I really enjoyed everything you talked about and I think your shul is really gorgeous and and beautiful. This shul means so much to me considering that my Grandpa who passed away was the founder and was there every Friday for Shabbat. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us about Coogee Shul.

Eliza Bowen

Morah Gaida, Remy Waller, Jasmine Barea, Rabbi Gestetner, Eden Glass, Ben Cohen, Myles Cohen at Coogee Synagogue

Casey Flior, Rabbi Yanki Berger, Matthew Lowy and Justin Faul at Chabad,, Double Bay

Rabbi Triguboff, Rabbi Ninio and Reverend Zwarenstein at Emanuel Synagogue

Year 7 students admire the Menorah at The Great Synagogue