Volume 32 Issue 7 17 Mar 2023 24 Adar 5783

Year 6 Leadership

We have all had an amazing start to 2023 as the Year 6 Madrichim. From the first day we stepped into school we felt welcomed as a part of the school community. So far this term, we have done so many incredible things including the 3-6 Swimming Carnival, Crazy Hat Day, Leadership Camp and Purim. Something that we enjoyed from each of these events are the chanting and team work from the Swimming Carnival, the ruach from Crazy Hat Day, our amazing excursions during Leadership Camp and all the fun costumes from Purim. 

This year, there will be many opportunities to go on a lot of excursions such as going to Canberra, Music Camp and the Northern Territory. We are also super excited about going to the K-2 Swimming Carnival with the House Captains. There will also be many activities before and after school, during lunch and at recess that students are welcome to join – chess club, dance, gaming, sports games and many more.

As the Year 6 Madrichim, we have three main goals:

  • To encourage participation so that everyone in Primary gets involved in different extra-curricular activities during lunch, before school and after school.
  • We want students to have connections with other students from different Year Groups. By doing this students can gain strong, lasting friendships with other students from other years. This is important to us because…
  • Our third goal for this year as Year 6 leaders of of Primary is just to have fun! To do this we will create new fun activities and clubs to have during lunchtimes and we will encourage students to make new friends, making sure they have fun! 

By Oscar Glikin, Jemima Hockley, Jazzy Goodman, Nava Weiss, Lily Smaller, Claudia Hochroth, Tali Gellert, Tabi Masnick, Ciel Sharabani Kat, Lola Cohen-Peace, Eva Bartfield and Ethan Likht
Year 6 Madrichim