Volume 30 Issue 19 25 Jun 2021 15 Tammuz 5781

Year 6 Gratitude Day

Term 2 Gratitude Day

Year 6 had our Gratitude Day on Tuesday of Week 10. The event was filled with fun, leadership and reflection themed activities. Year 6 students were assigned partners from their leadership role groups. Partners had their creativity tested – they had to create a lesson aimed at Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 that taught the students about the importance of being grateful and being a good leader. Groups came up with great ideas such as puzzles and treasure hunts, posters and flags. 

Jordan and I were allocated as partners to teach the Kindergartens the significance of gratitude and why it is so important. We created a puzzle hunt and flag drawings. When the puzzle pieces were connected, the pictures represented gratitude and an explanation of the word. Children then wrote their own response on the card explaining what they are thankful for and why. Finally, we made flags that the Kindergartens drew illustrations on, symbolising what they were grateful for.

On the whole, it was a remarkable experience teaching younger kids as a child myself, and having the opportunity to give back to the hardworking and deserving school community.
By Luis Waldner – Year 6