Volume 29 Issue 38 04 Dec 2020 18 Kislev 5781

Year 5 Hebrew Games

Meri Heitner – Hebrew Teacher

This week Year 5 students summarised their learning by creating board games together. 

The students were placed in groups and chose one of the topics they have learnt: cloths, numbers, pronouns and food.  

The students revised these topics and next week they will play their games together with students from different Hebrew groups. 

All students collaborated beautifully while making their Hebrew games and showcased their creativity in class. 

Quotes from students: 

  • “I think that it was really fun because we got to learn all the name of the cloths and teach other people how to do it as well… we really expanded our knowledge on that topic.” Becky Solomon
  •  “I found that exciting because we got to learn about new clothes that we never knew in Hebrew and it’s fun teaching other people the concepts in Hebrew.” Eli Jocum
  • “This experience was pretty fun because we got to make board games and work as a team.” Liel Rapke