Volume 26 – Issue 34 24 Nov 2017 6 Kislev 5778

Volunteering is a work of heart

“Volunteers, by their very nature, don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” So said High School Head Madricha, Genevieve Goldman, at the Volunteers Assembly on Tuesday, when we celebrated the many Emanuel volunteers who help in so may aspects of school life.

Assembly began with Year 12 student, Aaron Ellis-Bloor, who played Caprice en forme de valse. Aaron recently performed this piece in his AMEB Licentiate Diploma exam, in which he received a Distinction.

The Copland Concert Band, conducted by David William, had our toes tapping with a lively rendition of American Barn Dance. Visit the Emanuel School Community Facebook page to view a clip of the performance.

Anne Hastings, who was thoroughly enjoying this, her last Volunteers Assembly, honoured four of Emanuel’s exceptional volunteers: Mike Shapiro, who has given 17 years to the Parent Safety Group; Grant McCorquodale, who has recently stepped down as President of the School Board; Aron Kleinlehrer who donated $1 million towards the new building and Netty Grant (in abstentia), aged 96, who has volunteered at Emanuel since 1983!

Thank you to Genevieve Goldman and Primary School Head Madrich, Aaron Khedoori, for their very heartfelt and entertaining speech. Aaron very astutely shared: “Each and every volunteer is significant and valued in a different way and we are very fortunate to have you as such a special part of our School”. 


Michelle Favero, Marketing and Communications Manager