Volume 26 Issue 5 03 Mar 2017 5 Adar 5777

Uniform Standards

Maxine Chopard – Assistant to the Deputy Principal

Emanuel Students are walking advertisements

Every student at Emanuel is aware that she or he is a walking advertisement for our School, whether this be at a bus stop, running down to Bondi, picking up something at Bondi Westfield, representing the School in a variety of competitions or simply sitting in the yard and having lunch.

From the moment students leave home to their return, in uniform, they are proud advertisements for our School. To ensure every student is up to speed with their uniform standards, we will be having focus weeks for the next eight to ten weeks. The Uniform Shop stocks all uniform items and students can purchase them and parents can be contacted to make over-the-phone payments. If a student needs support with standards, I will issue a Uniform Monitoring Card and meet with the student daily to encourage the development of positive habits which contribute to character building. Every student will be encouraged and supported with the 2017 Madrichim slogan of “Putting the ‘U’ in Emanuel”.

Starting in Week 6

Week 6 – socks:                   

Boys: Black school socks (no ankle socks). Girls: White school socks (no ankle socks)

Week 7 – hair:                      

Boys’ and girls’ obviously coloured hair is inappropriate. Long hair touching the collar is to be put up – all such hair is to be lifted and tied in a neat pony tail/bun.

Week 8 – jewellery:            

Boys and girls: only one pair of studs allowed; only watches/’fitbit bracelets’ can be placed on the wrist. A small religious symbol can be worn around the neck. No nose rings are allowed.

Week 9 – shirts:

Blouses/shirts should be clean, buttoned up to button below the collar. Only Emanuel whites are to be worn on sport days with sport shorts/longs (no tights/black shorts)

Week 10 – school bag:

An Emanuel School bag is a compulsory Item.

In Term 2 I will share an update for your information.

Maxine Chopard, Assistant to the Deputy Principal