Volume 29 Issue 28 11 Sep 2020 22 Elul 5780

Time for change

Changes to Ma Nishma

Last term we asked for your input into the design and content of Ma Nishma. We received a fantastic response of almost 300 people – thanks for all your pointers and suggestions. 

Look out for these changes:

  1. The three tiles on the right-hand side of the landing page now provide information on what’s happening the following week, further on in the term and advice about “who, where and what?” 

  2. A roster ensures that least one High School House article will be included each week.

  3. Each month you’ll find an interview with a staff member. This week you’ll be transported into the life and times of Year 6 teacher, Eamon Lukins. His advice for students – tie your shoelaces!

  4. You’ll find social media buttons added to the top of the landing page which will seamlessly connect you to The Principal’s Instagram page watt.s_up_at_Emanuel as well as our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. If you are not yet a member of these pages, you’re missing out on insights into what’s happening at school each day. Please remember to change your Instagram account to ‘private’ in order to join Andrew Watt’s page.

  5. Where possible, articles will be shorter and punchier (we have so much to tell you that this one may take a while to implement).

  6. You’ll find a collection of interesting community events and activities advertised at the end of Ma Nishma, next to the Recipe of the week

Each week we receive stats on who’s reading what. We’re going to continue to provide more of what you love and less of what you don’t. We’ll report back again soon. 

In the meantime, try out the recipe in this week’s edition and enjoy the taste test.

Shabbat shalom

Michelle Favero
Manager, Marketing and Communications