Volume 32 Issue 7 17 Mar 2023 24 Adar 5783

The Humanitix Difference

Belinda Levin – Marketing Specialist

Why Humanitix?

You may have noticed that we are now using the Humanitix booking platform, instead of trybooking, for many events happening throughout the school year.

Humanitix was founded by Adam McCurdie and Josh Ross, two High School friends, who made a pact to escape the corporate world and do something different and meaningful with their careers. They wanted to provide a superior booking experience, while making a social impact.

100% of all their booking fees goes to educational charities around the world, with the aim of closing the global educational gap.

Tikkun Olam is an important concept in Judaism, meaning to ‘repair the world’. We encourage our students to play a role (no matter how small) in making a difference to the world at large, thinking beyond themselves and becoming compassionate advocates for social causes. We incorporate and encourage this in many ways in everyday school life e.g. with our non-uniform charity fundraising days, volunteering programs and Jewish Life programs like Be the Change.

Humanitix aligns perfectly with Tikkun Olam – we are driven to socially impact a corner of the globe, wherever possible. It demonstrates to our students that even a small contribution can make a big difference. We hope that Emanuel students will leave school as compassionate global citizens, who will look for their own ways to leave a lasting impact on the world around them.

Since moving across to Humanitix, Emanuel School has raised over $5,000 through booking fees, enabling students in disadvantaged communities to gain more access to resources like books and writing materials…even desks… so that they can focus on learning.

Schools throughout Australia and New Zealand are supporting Humantix due to their outstanding customer service, ease of back-end platform use for staff and streamlined processes – you will see that you can now book all Primary and High School sport for Term 2 through one booking link!

The booking fee remains the same, but, for us it is simply the exceptional option to manage our bookings while inspiring our students and community – a small but powerful way of contributing towards providing opportunities for other students who are not as fortunate as ours are!