Volume 30 Issue 2 05 Feb 2021 23 Shevat 5781

The Cely Malki Program

Dr Lynn Joffe – Director Specialist Learning Centre

The Cely Malki Program
Commencing Week 4 of Term 1

We are thrilled to announce that The Cely Malki Program, named in honour of Cely a matriarch of note, and funded by her brother and sister-in-law, Albert and Sandra Malki, will recommence in Week 4.

The program is open to students in Years 5 -12 and runs every Monday and Thursday from 3.40 pm to 5.30 pm in the Innovation Building, room I32. During this time, teachers and alumni of the School, specifically chosen for both their academic and communication skills, are available to assist students with queries related to schoolwork and help them organise their thoughts and ideas so that they are clearly understood and conveyed. Setting realistic goals for what can be achieved in the timeframe and meeting these is encouraged.

Students are expected to supply their own work; this could be work that has not been fully understood in class, homework and Performances of Understanding. Work is not supplied by the teachers or tutors on the Program except when specifically advised. If students do not have work to complete, it is suggested that they do not attend the Program on that day, as activities cannot be found to occupy them at these sessions. This is not a child-minding service, it is an opportunity for students to receive guidance and advice on their schoolwork. There is some work, related to some Performances of Understanding, that cannot be undertaken at the Cely Malki Program as this has proved to be unworkable in the past. This includes the use of Minecraft and some other programs and apps.

Dr Joffe manages the Program and while a level of informality is permitted at times, there are high behavioural expectations of students in the program. Students are expected to comply with all the directions and requests as they would in their classrooms. Students who do not comply will be asked to leave. It is possible that a seating plan will be used and, where this is the case, students are expected to comply without argument or complaint. Students are required to sign in and out and supply brief details of work undertaken; this is part of a Duty of Care requirement.

There is a much enjoyed fruit and biscuit break which is a time for students to connect with others, whilst observing any COVID restrictions. During this time, students may use their mobile phones to contact parents; at other times, phones will be deposited in school bags and not accessible. Please ensure that arrangements for pick-up have been made ahead of time.

Students need to bring a snack and drink to consume before the session starts. They also need to supply their own chargers for laptops, stationery, calculators and books to read while waiting for attention or once work has been completed.

We are excited to be able to offer the Cely Malki Program this year and look forward to enjoyable and productive sessions.