Volume 31 Issue 13 13 May 2022 12 Iyyar 5782

T-shirt Tuesday

T-shirt Tuesday!

This term, the 2022 Year 6 group received their t-shirts. Mia Goodridge designed the front of the t-shirt and Elah Sharabi’s design was on the back of the t-shirt. Everyone was very excited to receive their t-shirt. No one knew what the winning designs were. Every Tuesday we will be able to wear our t-shirts to school. They are grey and all of our names are on them. When I wear my t-shirt I feel excited and special because we are the only Year in Primary School that are able to wear customised t-shirts. It is a very cool and clever way to end our last year in Primary School.

Everyone in Year 6 got to submit a design and the teacher chose a few designs that the students then voted on. It was a good idea to let the student choose the t-shirt designs because the teachers we would also be wearing them.

We are so thankful to the teachers and parent, Sam Butt, for helping to organise our Year 6 t-shirts!

By Lexi Butt and Noaa Smily