Volume 30 Issue 13 14 May 2021 3 Sivan 5781

SRC – an exciting start

The SRC has had an exciting start to 2021. We were given the opportunity to put forward ideas that would enhance our playground. Mrs Milner was very happy with our contributions and we look forward to seeing some of our ideas come to fruition in the future. 

The SRC has been busy ordering new soccer balls for each class. We have also begun a new initiative across Years 3-6, known as Class of the Month. How do you win the Class of the Month? Students earn points by consistently wearing the correct uniform, having kippot and siddurim, keeping a tidy classroom and showing respect in prayers. The class who earns the greatest number of points wins and gets to wear plain clothes for a day. Congratulations to 5Y on the first win!  

The SRC leaders have interviewed many people about the library and how the majority of the Primary School library books are geared towards the younger years. We are trying to expand the range of books in the Primary School library. We have made suggestions to the librarians on new books that could be added to the schools overall collection. 

Friendship monitors

This is a new initiative that will start in Week 4. Volunteers will wear little friendship mentor badges. They have been trained in how to help younger students solve their problems on the playground. If you would like to be a friendship monitor, please visit Ms Sceats. 

Lunchtime Drama

This is another new initiative by the Year 5 SRC leaders that will also begin in Week 4 in the Chill Zone. Any students who have the desire to act, play and perform during lunch are welcome to join on a Monday lunch. They will also be using the dress ups that were purchased by the SRC in 2020. 

We look forward to introducing more programs through the year and updating you all with how our initiatives are progressing. 

By Sammi Epstien, Gemma Jacobson, Leon Besser, Seth Nachman, Jordan Arnott and Luis Waldner
Year 6 SRC Leaders 2021