Volume 29 Issue 24 14 Aug 2020 24 Av 5780

Changing lives

Gidon Grunseit

ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia is an organisation that aims to provide and support the rehabilitation of Israel’s injured soldiers to improve their quality of life. Yet, due to the devastating Coronavirus, Beit Halochem Australia representatives have been unable to continue their travel between Israel and Australia.

This video, published on 4 August, provides a message from the workers at Beit Halochem sharing with us the difficulties that they have experienced throughout the COVID-19 crisis. It is important to support an organisation that does so much for the State of Israel and the soldiers that protect it, ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia supports the rehabilitation of Israel’s 50,000 soldiers and victims of terror. In difficult times, as we are all in now, we must join together and support organisations such as Beit Halochem to connect us all and support the heroes that have and still do fight and protect Israel.  By Gideon Grunseit, Year 11