Volume 30 Issue 31 22 Oct 2021 16 Heshvan 5782

Returning to School

Adam Ezekiel – Director of Students 7-12

Returning to school resources

Article – Supporting Children Returning to School After The Lockdown

This is an article by Dr Jess Richardson (Clinical Psychologist) with some very helpful tips about supporting your child’s return to school after lockdown. 

Video – Tips for Returning to School

Dr Jess Richardson has also developed this short video to assist in offering tips for returning to school.

Strategies to help your kids or teens to reduce anxiety

Dr Jodie Lowinger from Anxiety to Action has provided two videos from her Parent Tips Video Series that might be of interest to some parents:

Parent Tip: Strategies to Reduce Anxiety: Part 1 

  • Think of worry as a bully you can stand up to and boss back
  • Build in a pause using the power of breathing

Parent Tip: Strategies to reduce Anxiety: Part 2

  • How to communicate to your children that feelings are ok and we have the power to choose how we respond to our feelings
  • Build a language around emotions by talking about them and labelling the different feelings

Face masks

All students will be required to wear a mask at school. While any mask will be acceptable – we will be providing each student with two masks with their House logo on it.

Please ensure your child is aware of the How to wear a face mask safety information on this image. This image will also be displayed around the School. 

School TV (video)Managing Overwhelm

Returning to school will no doubt be an overwhelming experience. School TV has created a special report on ‘Managing Overwhelm.’ Although we can’t provide our kids with certainty, we can provide them with the skills and strategies to cope to enable them to flourish and thrive, socially, emotionally and academically. It may not necessarily be the information itself that is harmful, but more their inability to process and make sense of it.