Volume 26 – Issue 34 24 Nov 2017 6 Kislev 5778

Rabin Bugle


Adam Ezekiel – PDHPE Teacher and Head of Rabin

What an evening on Monday night! Congratulations to all Rabin students who participated in the House Music Competition on Monday night. This year the students’ enthusiasm, standard of music and Year 12 leadership was as good as I have ever seen it. It was so pleasing to see so many Rabin students dancing, singing and enjoying the competition. 
Special mention goes to Adam Cranko, Tai Oshlack and Alanah Borman who organised every one of Rabin’s performances on the night. They put in so much of their own time to end up with the final product that you witnessed on Monday night. Thank you to all Year 12 Rabin students who displayed incredible leadership both throughout the preparation and on the night of the House Music Competition.
Thank you also to the parents who attended to support the students on Monday night – I think you will all agree that the atmosphere was absolutely electric as the students across all three Houses produced some incredible performances.
Finally, congratulations to Szenes on their victory in the House Music Competition – very much deserved!


Chavayah departure

This week several of our Year 10 students embark on a journey to Israel on the Chavayah Program. We wish our Year 10s safe travel and hope they have amazing time on what will be a truly memorable experience. 
We can’t wait to hear all of your stories when we return to school in 2018!