Volume 26 Issue 17 16 Jun 2017 22 Sivan 5777

Priority Bus Queues

Maxine Chopard – Assistant to the Deputy Principal

Priority bus queues for school specials

We are trialling new priority bus queues to address some concerns with overcrowding and students living further away not being able to get on their designated bus. Primary School lines will continue to take priority over High School queues and High School students with Primary siblings will join the Primary queue. A priority sticker and school stamp will help identify priority queueing for Buses 697 and 683. These stickers confirm the student will be travelling further than Bondi Junction. A new queue line has been set up for students who get off at Bondi Junction. These students will be boarded after priority lines are cleared, as well as on the Mt Sinai bus.

The Bus 704 queue does not require stickers. The bus lines have now moved to the Pizem Court area.

This new system has been advertised to students and many have come to get their priority stickers. We hope this new system will address some concerns and enable staff and students to have an easier end-of-day process for boarding buses.