Volume 32 Issue 6 10 Mar 2023 17 Adar 5783

Primary School SRC Leaders

Benjamin Pellow – Year 6 SRC

Max Sher – Year 6 SRC

The Importance of the Mitzvah of Tzedakah

Tzedakah צְדָקָה is a significant part of our school culture and its importance cannot be overstated as a mitzvah in Judaism. As students, parents, and staff members, we have the power to make a significant impact on the lives of those in need, and we must strive to use this power to create positive change. By taking the time to understand the struggles and challenges faced by others, we become more compassionate and caring. This, in turn, helps to build stronger communities, as we learn to work together and support each other through difficult times. These ideas connect with the deeper meaning of the word tzedakah צְדָקָה and its connection to the word tzedek צֶדֶק – which can mean justice and righteousness.

Tzedakah also provides us with an opportunity to give back to society and make a meaningful contribution to the world around us. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating or fundraising, every little bit helps. Even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on those in need.

Finally, tzedakah teaches us the importance of gratitude and appreciation for what we have in our own lives. By seeing the struggles and hardships faced by others, we gain a greater sense of perspective and learn to be more grateful for the blessings we have.

As members of the school community, we have a responsibility to engage in acts of charity and give back to those in need. This year, Primary students will be encouraged to contribute weekly צְדָקָה tzedakah on Fridays, to build the habit and routine for this important mitzvah. Our tzedakah collections in Term 1 and 2 will support the JNF and in Terms 3 and 4 the JCA. We ask that each student give tzedakah as often as possible. 

Let us all strive to make ְדָקָה tzedakah a priority in our lives and work towards building a more caring and compassionate school. By doing so, we can make a positive impact on the world around us and create a brighter future for everyone.

Please consider giving your child a gold coin to put in our tzedakah box throughout the year.