Volume 31 Issue 25 19 Aug 2022 22 Av 5782

All about camp

Sport and Recreation Camp

From 31 August 2022 – 2 September 2022, Years 3-5 will be going to Sport and Recreation camp. The last two years of camp were cancelled due to COVID. This means that all students attending the camp have not been on camp before!

To make this experience as enjoyable as possible, we thought that we would share our top camp tricks and tips with you about organisation, clothing and respect.

We will also pop into classes and share them with the students:

  1. The Sport and Recreation camp will be held in Gwandalan in the Central Coast, near Lake Macquarie. The estimated low temperature will be 7ºC, so pack warm clothes!
  2. For some people, sleeping away from home can be hard to get used to. We highly recommend your child have some sleepovers with a friend as a practice for sleeping away from home. 
  3. On camp, students must be independent – get up and ready in the mornings, and get ready for bed. If you normally help your child get ready, make sure they are able to do these tasks by themselves.
  4. Organisation is a key part of camp. Having friends’ belongings all around your cabin is not pleasant, so remind your child to try their best to be organised and respectful.
  5. Consideration, respect and compromise must be kept in mind by every student for a peaceful, happy cabin. There can be arguments about who “dibsed” which bed, who showers first, lights on or off at night, etc. In these situations students need to be considerate, respectful and able to compromise with their peers. 
  6. Whilst this is an exciting experience, there may be some nerves leading up to camp. These nerves are very normal, especially before camp. From our experience, the moment the bus arrives at the campsite, all worries are lost and the joys of camp arrive.

There’s one thing we all agreed on… we all thoroughly enjoyed camp! We hope your children have a great experience and form great memories and friends.

By Leah Zipser, Ethan Ickowicz and Daniel Millner
Year 6 Primary Madrichim