Volume 30 Issue 17 11 Jun 2021 1 Tammuz 5781

Primary Play Leaders 

Oh, the fun we are having! Over the semester, we had a few projects on the go. First off, we visited the Year K playground and got to meet some little friends. Three words to describe them – “adorable”, “cute” and “oh so busy”! They sure kept us on our toes. Next, we moved on to meet the Year 1s. We put on puppet shows and hosted a puppet club where the students could run their own shows. 

We also organised the Play Pals program, which is an initiative to help the students with their interactions on the playground. We divided the children into groups and ran various activities. The children created huge posters promoting inclusive play. Wow, they were quite dazzling. The next session was Play Pals IALAC which stands for, I am lovable and cute! The children identified how others can make us feel. We made our own badges and shared stories.  

Next term, we will be expanding our superpowers to work some magic with Year 2.

Watch this space!

By Zarah Gorelik, Leah Stiassny, Summer Schlesinger and Noa Saffron, 
Year 6 K-2 Play Leaders