Volume 31 Issue 31 14 Oct 2022 19 Tishri 5783

Primary News

Hagit Bar-On, Head of Primary Jewish Studies

Bisli, Bisli and more Bisli….

On the last day of Term 3, Year 5 students had a Hebrew excursion called: “Machane Bisli” (Camp Bisli). The camp took place at Emanuel Synagogue and was run by our Primary Jewish Life leaders Josh New and Mia Shapiro, together with the Israeli leaders, Ella, Yochai and Omri who joined us during Term 3.

Morah (teacher) Martine, Morah Orly, Mrs. Wynhausen and Ms. Cox were all there to support our students. Mrs. Wynhausen and Ms. Cox also enjoyed learning a little Hebrew!

The day started with a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat and a meditation session ran by Rabbi George Mordechai and Orna Triguboff. Rabbi Ninio told us a story and we all had a spiritual time inside the synagogue.

After a short break, the madrichim (leaders) divided the year group into small groups and ran activities in Hebrew. There was a Scavenger Hunt activity, a Molekules – a fun game – where the students had to listen to instructions in Hebrew and figure out the actions. Some other activities included: Tofeset Tsavaim – catching colours and learning a Hebrew song.

At lunch, we all enjoyed an Israeli Buffet of Falafel, Hummus, Pitot, an Israeli Salad and Chamutsim (Pickles).

The day was enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the madrichim and the teachers. We were also very lucky that Emanuel Synagogue agreed to accommodate us a day before the High Holidays, which is the busiest time of year for them.

Students received a bag of Bisli, as well as a badge for their blazers engraved: “Machane Bisli”