Volume 30 Issue 30 15 Oct 2021 9 Heshvan 5782

Primary News

Katie Brody – Director of Students K-6

An analysis of Year 3 and Year 5 Naplan Results 2021

NAPLAN assessments provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing in terms of literacy and numeracy at the time of the tests. These tests form part of our assessment and reporting schedule but, given the results come out much later in the year, they cannot inform our next steps for teaching. NAPLAN provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes. They confirm the impact of our direction in terms of professional practice and they can provide school leaders with data that informs strategic priorities.

Maintaining a focus on each individual’s academic progress is the perspective we encourage at the classroom level. At a school level, it is beneficial to analyse the overall performance of our cohorts and to study the trends in our results over time. This year, with the benefit of adaptive technology, the ‘glass ceiling’ has been lifted and our highest performing students were able to show the extent of their capabilities. We can now see the results at a more granular level at the top where previously this would have appeared as though students were in the top of the expected ceiling for their year group only and not beyond. Though the top band at Year 3 level is Band 6, for example, schools can now see the number of students whose achievement extended into Bands 7, 8, 9 and 10. 

Emanuel School Year 3 NAPLAN, 2021: National average is Band 4 – 5

Grammar and Punctuation





18% bands 8, 9, 10

16% bands 8, 9, 10

32% bands 8, 9,10

24% bands 7, 8, 9

2% bands 8, 9, 10

66% bands 5, 6, 7

62% bands 5, 6, 7

58% bands 5, 6, 7

64% bands 5 and 6

88% bands 5, 6, 7

16% bands 3 and 4

14% bands 3 and 4

8% bands 3 and 4

8% bands 3 and 4

10% bands 3 and 4

0%  bands 1 or 2

8% bands 1 or 2

2% band 1 or 2

0% bands 1 or 2

0% bands 1 or 2

Emanuel School Year 5 NAPLAN, 2021:  National average is Band 5 – 6 

Grammar and Punctuation





46.3% bands 8, 9, 10

37.7% bands 8, 9, 10

42% bands 8, 9, 10

28.9% bands 8, 9, 10

14.5% bands 8, 9, 10

51.4% bands 5, 6, 7

62.3% bands 5, 6, 7

57.9% bands 5, 6, 7

69.5% bands 5, 6, 7

84% bands 5, 6 and 7

1.4% bands 3 and 4

0% bands 3 and 4

0% bands 3 and 4

1.4% bands 3 and 4

1.4% bands 3 and 4

0% bands 1 or 2

0% bands 1 or 2

0% bands 1 or 2

0% band 2

0% bands 1 or 2

The NAPLAN comparative tables made available to the principal and school leaders of each individual school by ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority), show the performance of Emanuel students compared to schools that are statistically similar in terms of socio-educational advantage (Statistically Similar Schools Group) and to State Schools (Public Schools). Read the comparative analysis of the Emanuel Primary NAPLAN 2021 results here.