Volume 30 Issue 24 13 Aug 2021 5 Elul 5781

Primary News

Hagit Bar-On – Head of Hebrew K-6 and Jewish Studies Co-ordinator K-2

Shalom everyone,

I hope you are well and keeping safe and optimistic in these challenging times.

We think about you all when we teach your children and appreciate the challenges you are going through having small children at home studying online while some of you also work from home. It is not easy, and we appreciate your dedication, patience and assistance with the work your children are doing.

We miss face to face teaching very much, most of all, we miss talking to our students, being in the same room with them and being able to assist and solve problems on the spot.

However, we are all trying to accept that there are things we cannot control and this situation is certainly beyond our control.

We are trying to engage our students as much as possible and be creative and interesting. Some of us created ridiculous videos of ourselves only to engage and motivate our students. As you watch the videos and see the photos you will know that our efforts have not been in vain.

Student Zoom session

Our students, your children, have been learning a lot. They have demonstrated this in the amazing videos they have created, and we are very proud to share some of these with you. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Please keep sending us feedback as we always like to improve our lessons. We also appreciate positive feedback as we like to know what we do well and what is working.

Just a reminder, this week we have entered the month of Elul, which is the last month of the Hebrew calendar. It is also the month when we prepare ourselves for the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Every morning, the teachers will play the blowing of the Shofar which reminds us to work on improving ourselves and be better people. 

I am sure that COVID-19 and the multiple lockdowns have raised a few personal questions, wonders and dilemmas in some of us as to our priorities in life and I hope we will all learn something about ourselves and our loved ones through this situation. The Shofar reminds us that some things are beyond our control and maybe it is time to let go and enjoy the present moment. 

On behalf of the Hebrew teachers, I would like to wish you a year ahead filled with health, happiness, prosperity and unity – with our families close by and around the world.

Shabbat Shalom

Alona’s Hebrew artwork