Volume 30 Issue 16 04 Jun 2021 24 Sivan 5781

Primary News

Hagit Bar-On – Head of Hebrew K-6 & Jewish Studies Coordinator K-2

Speak Hebrew!

There is a lot happening in Hebrew and Jewish Studies in the Primary School.

During our Hebrew lessons, we make sure to work with our students on implementing the four language skills of reading, speaking, listening and writing. Our focus at the moment is to enhance students’ speaking inside and outside the classroom.

The Hebrew teachers are engaged in multiple Professional Developments over Zoom with Hebrew experts around the world on the topic of How to Encourage Students to Speak Hebrew in the Classroom.

During the sessions, we discuss ways in which to strengthen students’ ability to speak in Hebrew. We share our challenges and discuss how we can improve our teaching of the speaking skill in the classrooms. Teachers learn best from one another therefore we share videos of our students speaking in class with teachers in other Jewish Day Schools around Australia. We look at those videos and try to assess the quality of speaking, discuss ideas how to improve and suggest different ways to teach. We all hope that speaking Hebrew will become more evident around the school.

Kabbalat Shabbat – yeh… ruach!

Kabbalat Shabbat is the highlight of the week for Years K-2. Every Friday morning, when I arrive at school, there are several students already waiting for me at the gate ready to help set up the Shabbat table, carry the Challot and help Morah Sarit carry her keyboard from the music room to the Blue Ocean.

On our arrival to the Blue Ocean, most of the time before the bell rings, students are already sitting in their class lines, facing the front, wearing their kippot and waiting to start the Kabbalat Shabbat routine.

Teachers and students gather side by side to sing Shabbat songs, listen to Rabbi Ninio tell a story, receive a blessing from Rabbi Kamins, bless the candles, sing the Kiddush and eat a Challah. It is a very special time for all of us. We feel very lucky to have Morah Sarit play the keyboard and teach us Shabbat songs with her beautiful voice. And sometimes we even get wild and start dancing (only Morah Bar-On). Students call it ruach (a Hebrew word which means “wind” but refers to a great atmosphere and dynamics).

If you have some time to spare on a Friday morning, please join us and feel the magic of Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom