Issue 32 Volume 29 22 Sep 2023 7 Tishri 5784

Primary News

Natanya Milner – Head of Primary School

I hope you all had a wonderful Rosh Hashanah last weekend and were able to celebrate the year that has passed and welcome in 5784. As we prepare for Yom Kippur, I wish you all a meaningful fast and g’mar chatimah tova. As I reflect on 5783, I am filled with gratitude to the people who have contributed to all that we have achieved. Over the past term, we have seen some amazing opportunities that all require energy and commitment from those involved. I’d like to make a special mention of the teachers and school staff who have planned and organised wonderful teaching and learning programs, as well as fabulous opportunities in every area from Music to Sport to Community events such as Grandparents’ and Friends’ Day, Night of Song, the Public Speaking Competition and ASISSA Athletics. I am sure you all join with me in thanking the amazing Emanuel Primary School staff team.

B’Yachad Building

We will be busily working to organise ourselves into the B’Yachad Building over the holidays and at the beginning of Term 4. We look forward to welcoming the students into the new building in the first couple of weeks of term. I’ll include some more information and photos at the beginning of term.

Project Heritage

This week’s Project Heritage event was a wonderful opportunity for the students in Year 6 to present the learning they have done over the past term. We had nine ‘Living Historians’ who generously shared their time and life stories with us to enable powerful learning for our students. Groups of Year 6 students spent three sessions with their historian, before creating a tribute that was presented to the Historians and our Year 6 community.

Thank you to the Historians who were involved this year: Dr Andrew Gal, Dr Ivan Goldberg, Mrs Vera Goldberg, Mrs Erna Levy, Mr Abe Pollak, The Honourable Justice Stephen Rothman, Professor Mark Spigelman, Mrs Miryam Wise and Mrs Gwen Zeller.

I would also like to thank the staff team who made this possible, including the Year 6 teachers: Leanne Cresswell, Eamon Lukins and Jessica Neutze as well as the mentor team of; Josh Aghion, Katie Brody, Adam Carpenter, Stevie Levenston, Nicolle Rubin and Carrie Thomas. Thanks also to Adam Carpenter and Gena Yeomans for assisting the class teachers to organise this amazing event!


Thank you to the P&F, led by Justine Hofman, for the unwavering support over this term. We have seen another fabulous Second-Hand Uniform Collection, the Fathers’ Day Breakfast and Stall, a Mitzvah Meal Cook Up, the 40th Birthday Celebration and BBQ Day. I would also like to thank the P&F for generously donating the funds for our collaborative painting for the B’Yachad Building. We look forward to displaying it in a special spot in the building.

Mazal tov, Claudia

We wish Claudia and David all the very best for their upcoming wedding these holidays. We wish them both a magical day and a lifetime filled with health and happiness. Next term, we will welcome Mrs Valeo (instead of Ms Sceats) back to school.

Upcoming dates

Term 4 begins on Tuesday 10 October 2023. Students return in summer uniform.

K-2 Assembly items

We would like to invite the parents and carers of the below to assembly:

  • Year K Haifa: Friday 20 October 2023 
  • Year 1: Friday 1 December 2023 

We look forward to seeing you at these assemblies.

End of year events

Friday 1 December 2023: Year 6 Graduation and Pathways
Tuesday 5 December 2023: K-2 Presentation Day
Tuesday 5 December 2023: 3-6 Presentation Night
Thursday 7 December 2023: Picnic Day and final day of term