Volume 26 Issue 36 08 Dec 2017 20 Kislev 5778

Primary Leadership

As this week draws to close so do the last few days of the 2017 Y6 Leadership Program. Students are completing their last few tasks and are reflecting on all they have achieved. This year’s leaders have been involved in a range of exciting and varied projects. From assisting with K-2 Gala Day, Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, to ushering and showing visitors around the school, to leading assemblies, to helping with IT requirements and chess teams, to organising dodgeball, drawing, shofar and handball competitions, to devising plans for Anti-Bullying Day and chaggim throughout the Jewish calendar, to helping younger students in the playground, at the ‘Buddy bench’ and at Gross Motor and to co-ordinating K-2 Colour Day and Friendship Day. They certainly have been busy!

Some of their highlights have been:

“Getting to work with a variety of other students and making new friends”

“Seeing others succeed, especially the little kids”

“Giving back to the School and being a good role model”

“Learning to be more organised”

“Helping others and getting to know more about the School”

“Knowing that something is hard and doing really well and having so much fun at the same time!”

“Jumping into new things”

“Feeling so proud of yourself and your friends”

“Trying new things that seemed scary at first, but then realising how worthwhile it is in the end”

Thank you to all of the teachers who have lead this year’s leadership groups. I also l congratulate all of the Year 6 leaders for the tenacity, enthusiasm and commitment that they demonstrated in their roles; our High School is lucky to have such resourceful leaders coming their way!


Stacey Rosenfeld