Volume 30 Issue 17 11 Jun 2021 1 Tammuz 5781

Primary Gifted & Talented

Colleen Elkins – Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator – K-6

Congratulations to the following Years K-2 students: Abbie Schnapp, Alice Friedlander and Talia Cromerwong for meritorious performance at the Gateways Holiday Program for Gifted Students.

They took part in Mathematics, Science and History workshops, including activities such as, ‘How to build a Mummy’.

Further information can be found about the Junior Scienta Program here for Years 3-6 students for the July holidays. 

Further information can be found about the Gateways Leadership Program  here for Years 5-6 students for the July holidays.

Please email Colleen Elkins if you are interested in enrolling your child.