Volume 26 Issue 15 26 May 2017 1 Sivan 5777

Poems and more from Year 4

Sam Levi – Year 4


This term the Year 4 students are learning about poetry in English. We are using similes, metaphors, personification, assonance and alliteration to create free verse poems like…

‘Roses are Red,

Term two is blue,

We all have a smile

and you should have one too!’

Here are other examples of some poems we have written:

Lily Besser – Year 4

Our new Teacher, Miss Carroll

At the start of Term 2 our class was introduced to a new teacher, Miss Carroll. Here is what some of the students had to say.

“Miss Carroll is funny and awesome!” Raphael

“On the first day of Term 2 we played fantastic games. It was amazing!” Avalon

Things in our classroom were moved around and when we got back from the holidays it looked very different.

“It was a bit confusing at first, but people soon got the hang of it.” Kaila

 Students are excited about the change and are wondering what will happen next.

 “New teacher, new start. I’m so excited for what Term 2 will bring.” Sarah

Term 2 has been very busy so far. We started playing soccer at 7.10 am at Queen’s Park. It was hard and I was so sleepy, but I soon got used to it. It is exciting to be training so early. In the afternoons we face other teams. I feel very proud of myself at the end of the day because I know that even if we don’t win, I tried my best.