Volume 26 Issue 19 30 Jun 2017 6 Tammuz 5777

Pirate Day in the Primary Library with Kornmehl

Ginnette Cameron-Gardner – Teacher/Libarian

Pirate Day in the Primary Library 

On Tuesday,  Pirate Norman complete with Pirate hat, eye patch and parrot visited the Primary Library.

Pirate Pete, called out “Yo ho ho”, “Ahoy there me hearties” and “Shiver me timbers” and the children from Kornmehl joined in the spirit of things and started chanting. They were then were asked, “Who will join my crew?” They eagerly surged forward to collect a pirate hat and join the crew.

To great hilarity he read the story Pirates don’t babysit by Melinda Long, illustrated by David Shannon.

In this amusing story babies sneeze their strained spinach meal all over the pirates and the pirates have great difficulty changing dirty nappies. The children joined in calling out “yuck!!”

The treasure map was greeted by lots of comments from the children who are VERY keen on treasure, “Is it gold?”  “What is the treasure?”

Unfortunately, we first had the complication of the baby having eaten part of the map.

As you can see from the final picture the Pirates found the treasure.  The children cheered.

We all had a fun time on Pirate day.

The Primary Library follows the interests of the children from Kornmehl and they have been interested in rocks, crystals and jewels which led to Pirates and treasure.

We will continue to include theming in the Library periods to stimulate their participation.