Volume 30 Issue 30 15 Oct 2021 9 Heshvan 5782


Ruby Berkovic and Jennifer Opit

Hello Community,

We hope everyone has settled back into the term, and online learning, nicely and that the kids are getting excited to get back onto campus in the immediate future.

P&F Meeting

P&F Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.00 pm on Zoom. Everyone is welcome so please join us as your support and input is valued.

Email Ruby Berkovic if you would like to attend the next meeting which will be on Wednesday 3 November 2021.

Term 4

As we mentioned last week, unfortunately, although restrictions are lifting, there is still too much uncertainty to proceed with things like our challah distribution and the camping trip, but we look forward to next year when we can resume all of these and connect in person once again.

Weekend Brain Teaser (from last week) and Answer

Question: What coat is best put on wet?
Answer: A coat of paint

We hope to “see” you all on Sunday night at Emanuel B’yachad for the Capital Appeal.

Jen and Ruby