Volume 29 Issue 32 23 Oct 2020 5 Heshvan 5781

Parashat Noach

Parashat Nocah

The main message of Parashat Nocah is that of putting good before evil. At the very start of the parashah, we read “Noah was a just man, and blameless in his age”. However, “The earth became corrupt before God, the earth was filled with lawlessness”. I think that one of the core beliefs of the Torah is the looking for the good. It is very interesting how the Torah praises Noach before it criticises the rest of humanity. The message it gives is to look for the good. Even when you may be upset or angry at someone, take a moment to look for the good. Be calm, and try to put the good in front of the bad. 

Another important aspect of this parshah is the idea of gratitude. The first thing Noach did when he set foot on dry land, after a year on the Ark, was to sacrifice to God some of the animals he took with, as a thank you for saving him and his family. God responds by saying that He will never again “destroy every living being”. Good comes from looking for the good and showing our appreciation, and being thankful for the good in our life. 

By Jake Newfield, Year 9