Volume 31 Issue 6 11 Mar 2022 8 Adar II 5782

Music Competition 2022

Remington Owen – Music Teacher 5-12

Submit your videos!

Emanuel School, I am thrilled to be able to release the submission link for the Music Competition. We are so excited to see what you have composed and practised. Before I give you the link, here is a reminder about what we are looking for:

  1. If you are a performer, please record yourself playing or singing your chosen piece. You can use a backing track if you like.
  2. If you are a composer, please send us a recording (you can perform it too if you like) of your piece/song.
  3. Your video needs to be clear and of a good standard. If the piece you are recording isn’t perfect, that’s ok – but if you are selected for the Showcase Concert, it will need to be as good as it can be.
  4. Do your best! We are excited to see and hear some amazing music.

The link to submit your recordings is here

If you are selected for the showcase evening, you will be contacted in Week 8. The submission deadline is Wednesday 16 March. If you are having any troubles with submitting your recordings, please do not hesitate to email me.                  Â