Volume 28 Issue 7 15 Mar 2019 8 Adar II 5779

Meir Advocate

We hope you have all had an amazing productive week and are going to have a great weekend ahead of you. As the term gets into the more stressful busy weeks where PoU’s are starting to be due, we really encourage you to work hard and try your best, but also remember to leave time for yourselves, read a book, go for a walk, or even get a couple extra hours of sleep in!

House Assemblies

Week 6 – Comfort Zone

In these last weeks of House Assembly we have focused on stepping out of our comfort zones. This was done by us talking to lots of people in different year groups that we did not know very well. Though the first conversation we had may have been a little scary, with people not knowing what to say and how much of their true personality to unleash, by the last conversation everyone was talking happily at ease, no longer feeling uncomfortable.

Being able to step out of your comfort zone is so important as it allows you to experience new things and at the end of the day those moments that put you to the test become the characteristics that make you… you! Most of the time, when you really put yourself out there, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable and a little awkward, that is when the magic happens. We hope that this was the beginning for the house of Meir to put themselves out there a bit more often, because you never know what great things can happen!

On The Couch – Alexandra Machlin and Eden Levit

We also heard from Alexandra Machlin (Year 7) and Eden Levit (Year 8), who featured in our ‘On The Couch’ segment where they spoke about their incredible recent sporting achievements. Alexandra representing Emanuel at the Equestrian NSW Interschools State Championships and Eden winning gold at the NSW Surf Life Saving State Championship.

Week 7 – Learning a New Skill

This week all Meirians were encouraged to learn a new skill. Volunteers from each year group demonstrated their ability to learn a new skill in a very short period of time. The skills were – photography, speed reading, juggling and folding a T-shirt. Here are a few of the creative photos taken by Meirians.




Remember – “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”

Albert Einstein

We were also joined by two Year 5 students, Noa and Max, who spoke about the work that they have been doing on the Emanuel Primary Green Team. These students were instrumental in the organisation of the Emanuel Climate Action Rally at school on Wednesday and were welcomed in sharing their story with Meir House.


Last week the High School had Cross-Country, each day a different year group went down to Queens Park and did the race. It is a great way to improve your fitness and bond with your year group. As we know everyone is at different fitness levels, and we are so proud of everyone who just got on the track and gave it a go, not caring where they placed as long as they tried their best. We are sure all the Meirians did fabulously and can’t wait for the results to come out on who will proceed to go to the next level (CDSSA).

Lani Israel

Meet a Meirian

This weeks ‘meet a Meirian’ is one of our youngest Meir members and is still a newbie to High School being in Year 7, it is… Lani Israel

So if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Burger and chips

If you had a boat what would you name it?


If you didn’t have to sleep what would you do with the extra time?



We hope you all have an amazing weekend,

Love your Meir editors,

Tara Israel and Charlotte Lyons