Volume 28 Issue 15 24 May 2019 19 Iyyar 5779

Meir Advocate

Meir Advocate

Hi Meirian’s we hope you are having a great Term 2 so far, we are nearly half way through and have lots of things happening in Meir right now! Here’s what’s up…

Finding your Inner Child

Last week’s House Assembly theme was “‘your inner child.’ It focused on Meirians connecting with their childhood selves and remembering that the little simple things really do make people happy. The amazing Year 11 leaders set up different activities for us all to complete including: painting, making paper aeroplanes, building lego, forts and bridges. Though at first we were a little suspicious about these seemingly childish activities, by the end of the assembly we were more relaxed, happy and in a positive headspace.

A big message that we took away from this was that we don’t need electronics or screens to be happy and entertained. In a world where everything is now focused on screens we found it very beneficial to step away for just one hour and act like kids, relying on our own imaginations and creativity to keep us entertained.

Critical Inner Voice

This week’s House Assembly theme was about managing your ‘critical inner voice.’ Everyone doubts themselves in some way and a person’s critical inner voice can lead to nerves, stress and potentially anxiety. For some people this can result in the inability to take risks, start a conversation or try new things. In order to manage our critical inner voice, every Meirian listed their own strengths and abilities in House Assembly.  By focusing on the our strengths and abilities we can be more confident and comfortable with who we are and learn to manage our critical inner voice.

Term 2 Motto – ‘Stars can’t shine without darkness’

This week we linked our Term 2 motto to mental health. Angel Mitrani (Year 12 Meirian) spoke at both High School Assembly on Tuesday and House Assembly on Wednesday about the upcoming fundraiser on Friday for the Black Dog Institute. Angel spoke about the importance of each person looking after themselves and reaching out to a friend, family member, counsellor or professional if they need any help. This can be done through any of the following links:

Cross Country

The CDSSA Cross Country race was held on Monday. Everyone who was competing put a massive amount of effort in to get ready for the race, training twice a week for the past term. We would like to congratulate all the Meirians who participated and for giving it their best shot.

Meirians in East Timor

Welcome back to the six Meirians who had an amazing time on the school’s East Timor trip. Luca Calderon Havas, Isabella Filipczyk, Samuel Moliver, Joshua Moses, Eden Grynberg and Ethan Trenaman returned to school this week after an amazing trip. Thank you to these students who all shared their incredible experience with the rest of Meir House in the ‘On The Couch’ segment of House Assembly.

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Congratulations to Alan Drannikov (opposite) who has recently been selected in the AICES Rugby Team to compete at the Combined Independent Schools (CIS) rugby carnival. Everyone in Meir would like to wish Alan the best of luck at his upcoming competition.

We hope you have had a great start to Term two!

Love your Meir Editors, Charlotte Lyons and Tara Israel