Volume 24 Issue 34 04 Nov 2016 3 Heshvan 5777

Ma Koreh

Noach 6:9 – 11:32

Parashat Noach shows that the actions of one person can make a huge impact and difference in the world. Jewish tradition debates whether Noach was a truly righteous person. He saved himself while others of his generation perished in the flood. Some believe he should have sought to help others better their lives and avoid destruction.

What do you think?

Bnei Mitzvah Mazal Tov

  • Dean Reuveny
  • Tal Boskila

The Shabbat Project

We are only a week away from the The Shabbat Project and the excitement is building!

Why not try something different on Shabbat.

Turning off (screens): Switch on… to nature, friends, family, reading or sleeping

Blessing the children: This is a beautiful way to connect families and share a message of love

Nachas moments: Have each person at your Shabbat table share a highlight or special moment from that week

Oneg Shabbat: It is a mitzvah to make Shabbat a day of joy, delight and pleasure: so eat delicious food, socialise with friends and family, rest, relax, treat yourself and loved ones to make Shabbat a day of delight! 


Please don’t be daunted at the thought of making your own challah. See this website for recipes and techniques. www.thechallahblog.com

Every baker wants to know the secret to making the best challah but the biggest secret of all is the opportunity we have for blessings while making the challah dough. During this time, we can talk to God and ask for what we need. You can also ask for blessings for your family and friends. The gates of mercy are wide open so take advantage of this opportunity!


Why do we smell the besamin (spices) during Havdalah?

As Shabbat ends, our soul feels depleted and sad as the holiness of the day comes to an end. There is an idea that we receive an enhanced soul (neshama yeteirah) on Shabbat. Havdalah is the time when our enhanced soul departs, which also brings a sense of sadness. Therefore, we smell the spices to uplift our soul and to comfort it.