Volume 28 Issue 3 15 Feb 2019 10 Adar I 5779

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

To begin our Jewish learning journey for the 2019, students in Years 3-6 have been delving into and reflecting upon a teaching from Prike Avot. Pirke Avot (which is often translated as the Chapters/Ethics of our Fathers/Ancestors) is a collection of wisdom literature and teachings found in the Mishnah and dates back to the First Century CE. This week we visit the Year 5 classrooms, who were trying to answer four questions posed by their teacher, Ben Zoma (Pirkei Avot 4.1), who asked:

Who is wise?

Who is brave?

Who is rich?

Who is honoured?




Year 5 Degania


Year 5 Netanya

Year 5 Yavneh


 If you are interested in exploring Pirke Avot further, try the following links: