Volume 26 – Issue 35 01 Dec 2017 13 Kislev 5778

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Studies Primary

Give your rosh a workout: online Jewish quizzes

This week’s Torah portion features the beginning and the end of the life cycle, with the birth of Benjamin and the death of Rachel. Test your knowledge of Jewish rituals and customs


Year 4 Middot learning and the virtue of Anavah – Humility

As Year 4 continues to explore the Jewish virtues, in recent weeks they have been focusing on the concept of anavah – humility. Through reflecting on Jewish teachings, such as the texts below by Rabbi Hillel and the story of Rabbi Simcha Bunim, students have been grappling with the idea of finding a ‘balanced, middle point’ between concern and care for ourselves and concern and care for others. Students created posters to express the understanding.