Volume 33 Issue 2 09 Feb 2024 30 Shevat 5784

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

During these first two weeks at the start of the year, we have been busy re-establishing the routines and rhythms of Jewish Life in the Primary School.

Here is a snapshot into some of what has been happening during Hebrew and Jewish Studies lessons and throughout the week:

  • Year K-6 coming together at the end of lunch to say Birkat HaMazon and express gratitude for our food. Our goal for this year is to teach and learn more of this. 
  • Morning tefillah, with a focus on the Shema prayer, its meaning and significance.
  • We welcomed Leo Fisher on the guitar to our Years 3-6 Friday Shabbat, adding beautiful music and ruach to our celebrations.
  • The enthusiastic Year 6 Jewish Life Leaders helping Morah Bar-On with K-2 and leading prayers and Shabbat celebrations.
  • During Hebrew, Kita Aleph (Year 1) have begun their learning of letters of the Aleph-Bet, starting with Aleph. Learning through song, art, writing and movement by creating the shape of the letter with their bodies.
  • During Jewish Studies, Year 4 is focusing on Jewish Stories and their importance in shaping Jewish identity and values. Students have spent time in class listening, reading and discussing a range of Jewish Stories.  
  • In Year 5, students have been engaging with a classic ancient Jewish text, Pirke Avot, where the teacher Ben Zoma asks: “’Who is wise?..” ,  “Who is mighty?.. ” , “Who is rich?.. “, “Who is honoured?.. “. These questions provoked interesting discussions and thoughtful responses from the students.