Volume 32 Issue 6 10 Mar 2023 17 Adar 5783

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Staff and students transformed the School’s every-day atmosphere into one of colour and festivity for Purim. 

Our celebrations began with Purim parades and it was wonderful to have parents join us for the ruach, dancing and celebrations. In addition to the amazing costumes of students and staff, highlights of the morning parade included Year 6 dancing to Derekh HaMelekh and Ms Hynek doing ‘The Worm’ breakdancing move. Students were able to participate in the many mitzvot and minhaggim of Purim; including hearing the Purim story, masking mishloach manot for classmates, giving tzedakah and having a festive meal of hamantaschen. 

We heard the megillah being read and watched a Dr Seuss-inspired Purim Spiel performed by the Primary Jewish Life Leaders. Students were treated to a series of beautiful, interactive Purim-themed stories by the engaging storyteller Donna Jacob Sife.  

Thank you to the Primary Jewish Life Leaders, Jewish Life staff and the Primary staff and students for contributing to a fun day of celebrations.