Volume 31 Issue 26 26 Aug 2022 29 Av 5782

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Celebrating Shabbat

This term parents in Years K, 1 and 2 have been invited to experience the joy and ruach (spirit) of our Friday morning K-2 Shabbat celebrations. This week marked our finale, with Year 2 parents invited to join us after the Father’s Day breakfast. Led by our enthusiastic and energetic teachers, Morah Bar-On and Morah Spira, parents and grandparents had a chance to experience a unique weekly Emanuel School experience – celebrating Shabbat through song, blessings and ruach. We all got to learn from Rabbi Ninio through her wonderful story telling. Each week our students conclude the story in unison by saying all the characters will live ‘happily ever after’. Families left with a gift of challah to celebrate Shabbat at home, uplifted with feelings of nachas and Emanuel School spirit.

Our Primary Informal Jewish Life team, Joshua New and Mia Shapiro, along with an enthusiastic group of Year 10 leaders, continue to provide a variety of Shabbat experiences for Year 5.

Last week Year 5 plaited their own challah loaves that were baked ready to take home in the afternoon for Shabbat. Before making their own challah, students learnt of the symbolism of the two loaves that are part of a traditional Shabbat table, reminding us of the double portion of manna the Israelites collected in the wilderness before Shabbat. Students learnt the origin and original meaning of the term challah, which refers to the portion of dough that was set aside for the kohanim (priests) during Temple times. Following the destruction of the Second Temple, our ancient rabbis determined that prayers should replace sacrifices and the dinner table would replace the sacrificial altar. The custom of setting aside challah – a portion of dough, continues to this day. Before making their own challah loaves, students recited the blessing and performed the mitzvah of setting aside the challah, an olive portion of dough that is burnt separately in the oven.